• may help prevent diseases like cancer and heart disease, as well as eye problems like cataracts and macular degeneration.
  • Jackfruit is a good source of vitamin C, potassium, dietary fiber, and other important vitamins and minera.
  • Jackfruit is an exotic fruit grown in tropical regions of the world.

  • Mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana) is an exotic, tropical fruit with a slightly sweet and sour flavor. It's originally from Southeast Asia but can be found in various tropical regions around the world. The fruit is sometimes referred to as purple mangosteen.


  • Caigua, also called slipper gourd or kaywa, is a very unpretentious old vegetable plant. The small but very numerous fruits can be harvested when they are the size of olives and are often pickled, eaten raw with salads, or as a vegetable. You can. also let them grow until they are about the size of short cucumbers.

  • Bambara groundnut is a grain legume grown mainly by subsistence farmers in sub-Saharan Africa. It is cultivated for its subterranean pods, is extremely hardy and produces reasonable yields even under conditions of drought and low soil fertility.

  • A rootstock is part of a plant, often an underground part, from which new above-ground growth can be produced. It could also be described as a stem with a well developed root system, to which a bud from another plant is grafted. It can refer to a rhizome or underground stem.

  • >Many parts of the plant, including the leaves and seeds, are edible, and are frequently used as a source of food in India as well as in South America, where it is the most important Andean species of Amaranthus, known as kiwicha. (See also amaranth seed and Andean ancient plants.)
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